Category: Leisure

Here’s where you can enroll your kids in summer camp
July 19, 2019September 28, 2023

Here’s where you can enroll your kids in summer camp

For parents in Addis Ababa who may still be looking to put their kids in summer camp, there’s good news .  Availability at School of Nations is limited because half of the school are booked in earlier in June and July 2019, but a few spots are kept open because parents tend to re-register their...

Students Annual Art Exhibition
November 9, 2018September 28, 2023

Students Annual Art Exhibition

Students explore various mediums of artistic and musical expressions. Art and Craft, dance, drama, music, speech exhibitions, arts festivals, theatrical presentations and honoring ceremonies are all included in our program. Students may choose to participate in the ‘International Dance Workshops’, known for its engaging messages on unfolding social and ethical issues expressed through dance and...