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Natural Sciences and Social Studies

The Science program lays the foundation for a scientific approach to life. It aims to establish an intuitive understanding of systems by exploring the family, the world around us, and the human being. Scientific concepts are often connected to their and moral and behavioral implications.

In the natural sciences, students sharpen critical skills of analysis, synthesis, and creative problem solving through the study of the physical sciences. Service-learning activities include hands-on activities and environmental projects in which students are encouraged to develop a healthy curiosity about the world around them, giving humanitarian concerns a high priority.

In  social studies students explore their own identity, the rights and responsibilities of individuals and groups, and the significance of traditions, diversity, and shared values in society. Students are invited to examine human environments, places, ideas, events and how features of land, past history, individuals and groups have participated in and contributed to society.

Through the study of world civilizations and international literature, students begin to understand the implications of global interdependence. Students are encouraged to think seriously about their individual contributions, social values and moral competence.